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AAA Size Super Alkaline Battery Pack of 3

AAA Size Super Alkaline Battery Pack of 3

Product Code BATT1.5V AAA X3
Our price: £1.20

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Pack of 3 AAA Batteries for use with the following Wireless Doorbell Push:

Friedland Premium D1001M Doorbell Chime Kit

Battery Type
Super Alkaline (Non-rechargeable)
1200 mAH
24A, 24AC, 4003, 824, AAA, AM4, E92, K3A, LR03, MICRO, MN2400, ND61R, R03

*Equivalent specification to Duracell Ultra

As a result of a change to my front door I lost my wired front door bell. I purchased a wireless bell from a major store but found that the highest volume was too low and as a result missed a number of callers. After research on website I...

Ian Fraser

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Have just installed, and are very happy with our alarm system, Thankyou. Special thanks to Mark on the help team, for your patience and care when our delivery people played up this end. You went to such ends to put this right....We would recommend...

Patricia Creasey

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Great delivery, order received in Central Scotland 21 hours after order. Could not get chime unit to respond to wired bell / converter but tech help resolved problem in 2 minutes. Excellent all round

Alex Morton n/a

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First class service, prompt, quality products and excellent value for money.

Mark Buffin

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I moved into a house that had a Response alarm already installed, when I called the helpdesk I was fully expecting to be told that I owuld have to buy a new alarm, however I was given instructions on how to get the existing alarm working again. I...

John Marrill

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Since 2006 I have bought 4 wired systems from Response (one for myself and 3 I've fitted for friends). Although each system has worked brilliantly, I have at times had to ask for technical support. The Response Team are truly first class;...

Adam Stevens

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I felt I just had to write to thank you for the fantastic service we got with my order. I placed the order with Amazon at 1407 hours on Wednesday 25th. January, and the postman delivered it the next day (Thursday 26th) at 1000hours - to the...

Isobel Maclean

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afer small hickup with original solar siren box being faulty sent back and received new one very quickly installed alarm. also thanks to your tech guys with talking through on the phone where i was going wrong trying to get siren to reconize...

david retford

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I went for a wired system this time. I already have a wireless system, but I have found it prone to interference recently. This wouldn't be a problem normally but the Interference is deliberate and becoming a pain. After the wireless system it...

Steve Tayler

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I fitted the wireless SKsilver system 18 months ago and I have had no problems whatever with the setting up or running of this alarm system. Absolutely fabulous bit of kit !!!!! Well done. Regards Doug

Doug Salter

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