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Protecting Your Home Over Holidays

Protecting Your Home Over Holidays


Burglars don’t take holidays – but they enjoy yours!

Christmas, Easter, Summer holidays…. these should all be times of relaxation for you and your family. Sadly figures show that these are the perfect times for the Burglar to strike.

Take Christmas for example: statistics show that Christmas/New Year in particular is the time of year when household burglary crimes rise dramatically by as much as 51%

For the burglar it’s the perfect opportunity, with valuable presents all conveniently in one place - under the Christmas Tree – making the Burglars job even easier. Added to that:

  • Homes are empty as families visit friends, neighbours and relatives.
  • Roads are free of traffic allowing a clear getaway.
  • Police forces are depleted, they have holidays too!

Prevention is the key
It’s common sense, but also a fact that the majority of burglaries occur due to lack of security.  The best way to prevent a burglary is to “deter” the would be Burglar. The No. 1 deterrent is a Burglar Alarm with an outside Siren with “Prowler Deterrent” flashing lights. (these are standard on all Response Wirefree Alarms). Having an active Alarm System sends the burglar a signal that you take burglary seriously…… But don’t stop there - check doors and windows lock properly and keys are not kept anywhere that is visible from outside the house.

Remember, a burglar can only enter your home via the windows and doors…. The same as you!!

Our 10 Top Tips for Holiday Security:
If you have an alarm use it – if you don’t, get one!
Protect the rear of your property with a Dummy or Real Siren (With flashing lights)
Ensure window and door locks are fitted, working and used
Make sure the house is well lit during hours of darkness
Invest in Home Automation – automatic activation of lights in your house give it the  “Lived In Look” even when no one is at home. (Click here to view our range of X10 Home Automation products)
Cancel milk and paper deliveries when you’re away
Make sure that your valuable items aren’t visible from outside the house - long dark evenings make it much easier for burglars to size up the goods in your house and plan a robbery, rather than acting on impulse
Consider leaving a key with a relative, trusted friend or neighbour - they can check on your home and collect any post while you are away
At Christmas time avoid the temptation to put wrapped presents under the tree any earlier than Christmas Eve –  it may look festive but it shows the Burglar the quantity and value of the gifts for the taking
Click here to view our 'Give your Home the Lived in Look'

And Remember ….
Prevention is the key - our wireless Alarm Systems are designed for quick & easy DIY installation. Unprotected doors and windows are an ‘open invitation’ to the Burglar
Give your home the ‘Lived In Look’ - control your lights to come on even when you’re not at home (see our Home Automation range of products)
A Dummy Siren with flashing light and security lighting to the rear of your property is a great deterrent
Don’t let the burglar know you are not in - (Click here to view our  ‘Give your Home the Lived in Look’ Promotion)

Remember 2 homes are broken into every minute with 80% of burglars being opportunists.

  • 58% of burglars access the rear of the property
  • 38% of burglars access the front of the property
  • 71% of burglars target doors, usually by forcing a lock
  • 28% of burglars force window locks or break glass in windows
  • 21% of burglaries occurs due to unlocked doors
  • 75% of burglaries occur when no-one is at home
  • 25% are committed while people were present and unaware of what was happening.

The important thing is to “BE ALARMED”, not “HOW MUCH” you are alarmed.
A little of your holiday time would be well spent fitting a wireless Alarm System -  allowing you and your family to relax and enjoy your holiday, without fear of coming home to the emotional trauma of finding your home burgled or vandalised.

A Response Wireless Alarm System can be installed in around 2 hours
Mount Sirens at the front and back of your home (the siren at the back could be a dummy) at first floor window sill height. Their presence alone will show that you have taken your home security seriously, and the flashing “Prowler Deterrent” lights will put off the most ardent burglar
Mount PIR detectors in the corners of your main rooms, they will protect a whole room (up to 35ft long)
Fit  Magnetic Detectors to your main doors and windows
If you select a system with a control panel, mount this in a convenient position to provide features such as an internal siren and zones
The panic button on the wirefree remote control can activate your Alarm System at any time, even when the Alarm is not set
Expand your system to include extra Detectors to protect outbuildings such as sheds and garages. These can easily be added to your system at any time 
Use the Alarm System Remote Control to set your Alarm from anywhere around the house, garden or front drive

For information to help you decide on the right Alarm System click the following link: “What Alarm is Right for my Home”

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