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X10 Computer Interface & Active Home Windows Software (XCM11U)

X10 Computer Interface & Active Home Windows Software (XCM11U)

Enables complete control over all your X10 devices directly from your PC or Laptop. Programs schedules, events, macro and scenarios. Up-load your setting to the Interface via the USB lead and your do not need to leave your PC connected.
With the XCM11U X10 Computer Interface, you can program timed schedules for your lights and appliances and also create X10 macros. With macros, a single X10 command can be used to trigger a sequence of X10 commands. On-screen representations of switches allow you control X10 devices directly from your computer by clicking on them.

A number of programmed events and macros can be downloaded to the memory on the CM11U unit for standalone operation (with the PC turned off). Energy Star compatible PCs can be automatically "woken" up from sleep mode when the PC is required to take action (for programmed events that are not stored in the on-board memory).

The CM11U unit plugs into a USB port of any PC running Windows. The mains socket on the front of the unit is an un-switched pass-through power outlet for the power cord of the PC.

• Built in memory for programming events
• Operation when pc is turned off
• Schedule lights, appliances and create macros
• On screen representation of switches
• Compatible with Vista - install using XP/ME compatibility mode
• USB Connection
• Let's you control X10 devices directly from your PC
> • Set up Timed Events that run at specific times
• Set up Dawn/Dusk Events to run at sunrise or sunset
• Control it all from your computer

• Remotely controlling x10 devices
• Control through your computer via USB/RS232
• Remotely controlling hard to reach places
• Lights, CCTV, security etc
• Connect through x10 and control up to 8 lights, appliances, transceiver and wall switch modules

• Full operating and installation instructions
• CD/DVD and software


Load the Active Home software from the CD provided and you will be controlling your X10 devises in minutes.

Product Code XCM11U
Our price: £40.95

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