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How to Choose Between a Wired & Wireless Home Alarm System

I’ve recently bought my first house and wanted it to be as secure as possible from day one. As with many other things in my life I went to my old man and asked for his opinion, and about the home alarm system that he has at his house. Immediately he told me that the best place to go was Response Electronics, and to look into a wireless home alarm system.

I remember the bulky alarm system we had in the house growing up, and dad confirmed that it was expensive and a pain to have installed and to manage. After speaking to some home security experts, I realised that things have improved a lot in recent years and there are certainly some big benefits to buying a wired home alarm system, but for me the wireless version makes so much more sense.


For starters, there was a really easy installation process, the manual and training to the control panel and system seemed straightforward from very early on. The price wasn’t prohibitive, and in fact there wasn’t much in price between the two different types of alarm systems.


What I really liked about the wireless version of the alarm though was that it had cloud storage and I could guarantee that wherever I was I could easily view the information and data relating to my home security. Having that peace of mind wherever I am, whether at home, at work, or on holiday makes a big difference, especially as this is my first home.


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