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Response Electronics

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SL 433MHz Alarm Range

With our older SL (868MHz) alarm kits now discontinued, we have alternative alarm kits available from our ERA, miGuard and HomeGuard Pro range. 

However please note, the NEW SL2 kit, all HomeGuard and ERA kits operate on the 433MHz frequency and are not compatible with the original SL2 kit (Response branded) or the accessories as these operate on the 868MHz frequency.

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Comparative to Older SL Kits

Looking for an older SL2 kit? Try a NEW ERA miGuard (433MHz) SL2 Alarm system instead

Looking for an older SL5 kit? Try a Invincible (433MHz) Dual Network System with optional accessories instead

Looking for an older SL6 kit? Try an Invincible (433MHz) Dual Network System with optional accessories instead

Different Alarm Frequencies

433MHz vs 868MHz

Not sure of differences between the two frequencies - see our blog article for more info

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