Give Your Home The “Lived in Look”
Dark evenings and vacant homes are the ideal targets for intruders. By giving your home the “LIVED IN LOOK” you will be protecting your home, possessions and family.
Intruders come in all shapes and sizes, blending in and looking as normal as possible, always on the “prowl” always looking for an opportunity, always checking streets and houses to target. It may sound obvious but the opportunist burglar is looking for easy targets. Even so, the fact is that the majority of burglars occur due to lack of security.
The best way to prevent a burglary is to “Deter ” the would be burglar. As the majority of burglaries occur when the house is empty, our Dusk Till Dawn Mega Kit will automatically make your house looked “Lived In” even when you are out. Click here for Dusk Till Dawn Mega Kit
Our Dusk Till Dawn Mega Kit consists of 3 security light fittings, each one has its own and unique function, but when collectively together enhance the effects of the other units. They are easy to fit in a few minutes and will take 40, 60 or 100 watt bayonet light bulbs, (they are also compatible with new energy saving light bulbs too).
(Unit 1) Dusk till dawn security light.
This unit should be fitted in the hall or front downstairs room, it will light up automatically when it gets dark and switch off again during day light.
(Unit 2) Dusk till dawn random switching security light.
This unit should be fitted upstairs, perhaps on the landing or in a bedroom. Just like unit 1 this will light up between dusk and dawn, but cleverly it will switch on and off in a random pattern as well, giving the effect of people moving around upstairs.
(Unit 3)Dusk till dawn with listening device.
This very clever unit can be mounted outside as a porch light. Again it will be active only between dusk and dawn, when it will “listen” and automatically switch on when it hears a noise, after 4 minuets it will reset and be ready to listen again, so as anyone approaches your home they will have been “spotted” by the clever “listening light”
As well as protecting your home from intruders with the “LIVED IN LOOK” you will also have personal protection lighting your porch and driveway when you return home in the evening, allowing you to see your door and enter your home safely.