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  Wireless Alarms- Response Alarms - Response Electronics Ltd :: MyGARD-FAQ

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About MyGARD Safe & Secure Monitoring

  • What is MyGARD Safe & Secure Monitoring?

MyGARD Safe & Secure Monitoring is a complete home security and incident reporting system, which uses computer technology in association with the Internet. For the first time you can exercise as little or as much control as you want over the safety and security of your home, holiday home or business.

Many existing intruder alarm systems depend upon bells or sirens to frighten off intruders - police does not respond to these alarms. The only way that a police response may be obtained is by the installation of a secondary verified alarm system that is monitored by a manned call centre. These systems are both expensive to have installed and monitored, and timely police attendance is not guaranteed.

  • How does MyGARD Monitoring work?

MyGARD Safe & Secure monitoring works by linking your alarm system directly via your telephone line to the alarm receiving centre managed by G4S Security Services (UK). If a movement detector or panic alarm is triggered, an immediate alert will be sent to MyGARD Monitoring. Your chosen Contacts will then be informed by voice to a fixed line telephone or mobile, by text message or by e-mail.

If you have registered for G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response they will, on your request or automatically, attend the property, inform the police if there has been a problem and have the property secured if necessary.

  • Is MyGARD Monitoring reliable?

If the telephone line is free it will always dial out to MyGARD Monitoring when activated. It cannot dial out if the line is busy or a member of the household is using the line on the Internet. This may be a problem if your telephone is being used when you press the Panic Alert.

  • What do I need to connect my alarm system to?

You require a 13 amp plug and a telephone point (either a standard line, BT Home Highway or Broadband but not ISDN) within a few feet of each other preferably at convenient place for alarm setting such as the hallway.

  • I have an alarm system other than an SA5, can I connect it to MyGARD Monitoring?

Yes, please contact MyGARD on 01296 433 746 to discuss your needs.

G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response

  • Does G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response cover the whole of the UK?

No. You can check the postcodes covered on the MyGARD website or by telephoning MyGARD Customer Support. Approximately 80% of the UK by population are covered with around 65% by geography. All areas within the M25 are covered.

  • If I am outside G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response area or do not want to register with G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response can I still have MyGARD Monitoring?

Yes, you can still subscribe for MyGARD Monitoring. This will allow you to contact up to 6 key holders via phone, text message and e-mail.

  • How long will it take G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response to attend?

Whilst there is no guaranteed speed of attendance around 30 minutes would be expected depending upon the time of day.

  • What will the G4S Security Services (UK) patrol do when they attend?

We will contact your key holders if there is one (regardless of any night time or weekend restrictions) and ask them to meet the G4S Security Services (UK) patrol at or near the premises. If we can't get hold of any keyholders the patrol will check the site visually from outside unless access is available as a result of a break in. G4S Security Services (UK) will then call the police and secure the premises.
If a key holder attends then G4S Security Services (UK) will enter the premises and conduct a thorough check. If no key holder attends then G4S Security Services (UK) will carry out an external inspection to see whether the premises are secure. If there has been a break in or attempted break in then G4S Security Services (UK) will inform the police. If the premise needs securing they will contact a 24hr emergency property securing service.

  • G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response charges are time related - how can I know how much a call-out will cost?

The charges depend on what the patrol finds on arrival at the premises. The minimum charge is £45 for the first 60 minutes, after that G4S Security Services (UK) charge £11.25 for every 15 minutes until they leave the premises. Statistically 70% of call-outs are completed within the first hour. Obviously if there has been a break in the patrol will remain at the premises until they have been secured. Rest assured that the patrol will not remain at the premises any longer than is necessary to carry out their duties.

  • Can I sign up for G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response after I sign up for MyGARD Monitoring?

Yes - you can opt in to this service at any time. Registration for G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response is for one year, payable in advance. To keep our administration simple we will ask you to extend your You will need to extend your MyGARD monitoring service so that both monitoring and G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response are paid up to the same date.

  • Can I have the G4S Security Services (UK) patrol as my only contact in the case of an alarm activation?

Yes - you can have it as a sole contact to attend if the alarm is activated, although we would ideally need a minimum of one person to inform in your address book if there should be an activation. Please bear in mind that The Patrol Officer will not be able to enter the premises without a key holder present unless access is possible because of a break-in. In the case of no key holder or apparent break-in the Patrol Officer will check the premises visually from the outside.

  • Why is Commercial G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response registration more expensive?

Normally businesses have more security detectors and are more prone to false alarms so the Patrol & Response registration charge is higher. The cost of the G4S Security Services (UK) patrol attendance in the case of an alarm activation is however the same for all residential, sports and social clubs as well as commercial premises businesses.

  • Can G4S Security Services (UK) hold a key to my property or business?

Yes, G4S Security Services (UK) for Key holding charge an annual fee of £360.00 payable in advance.

Monitoring Registration and Set-Up

  • How can I set up my monitoring account?

If you have bought MyGARD Monitoring online we will automatically create your account and supply you with information how to create your monitoring instructions. We will also send you instructions how to program your alarm system to connect to MyGARD Monitoring unless you have requested MyGARD to install your alarm system.To register you can also call 0870 904 022.After you have purchased your Response SA5 you need to register by completing the Application Form contained in the SA5 box or by visiting www.mygard.com and registering online.
During the registration process you will need to supply a memorable word and a reminder. Upon receipt of either your completed online, postal or faxed monitoring application you will receive by post (within 4 days for a credit card payment and 8 days for a cheque or DD payment) an account number and a 4-number PIN. You will additionally receive in the same correspondence a unique ID number and a secure MyGARD Monitoring telephone number both of which you will enter into the SA5 alarm panel as instructions supplied.
The account number, memorable word and PIN will enable you to access your MyGARD account and security instructions page. You will also receive a form to be completed if you prefer to make changes to your security instructions by post or fax rather than online.

  • How many people can I contact for each alarm?

We allow up to six contacts per alarm activation. Each contact can be reached by any combination of voice, text or e-mail.

  • Whom should I use as contacts, and what do they need to know?

Respond/Key holder Contacts should be a person/s who lives within twenty minutes of the Protected Property and to the best of your knowledge are reliable. You must ask their permission to be a Contact, and explain how the alert system operates and how to respond. You should ensure that their contact details are kept up to date. Note that contacts should be advised to respond to all events with caution, particularly where a possible crime is suspected. Contacts should always call the police if they believe a crime is being or has been committed.

  • What types of Contacts are there?

You have a selection of four kinds of Contacts. Alternatively you can opt for G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response only and automatically.
A) A Respond/Key holder Contact:
This is a Respond Contact who has a key, lives within fifteen minutes of the Protected Property and you believe is reliable. For maximum protection at least one Respond Contact should be a key holder. If the Protected Property is registered for G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response then upon an alarm alert the key holder will be asked to attend the Protected Property. If the key holder cannot be present or there isn't one, the patrol will still attend to check the premises and deal with any problems that may have occured. G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response is of particular value when the owner does not want to be disturbed because they are away, or in the case of a business they do not want a member of staff to attend an activation alone.
B) A Respond Contact:
This is a person who has indicated that they will attend if there is a confirmed alarm alert. They should live within fifteen minutes of the property.
C) An Inform Contact:
This is someone who you would like informed if there is an alarm activation but is uncertain to attend, or who does not live close to the Protected Property.
D) G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response
For an annual registration fee of £12 for residential property, £95 for sports and social clubs and £120 for a business property you can have G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response automatically or optionally attend an alarm activation, call the police if there has been an incident and secure damaged property. Or you can nominate yourself or other key holders to be contacted if there is an activation and to decide whether G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response should attend.

  • Do I need to input my address and the Protected Property address (if they are different)?

As part of the registration process you'll need to enter your personal address details, and the details of the property to be monitored if they are different. This is so we can match the ID of your alarm system with the Protected Property, and if applicable ensure that the correct detailed address information is sent to G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response in the event of an activation. The monitored property may be your home, business or a second property etc.

  • Can I set the Police to be one of my Contacts?

No. The Police have strict criteria on responding to burglar alarms that are monitored. To fulfill these criteria is expensive to the property owner both in the cost of the alarm system installation and monitoring. Any of your contacts can dial 999 if they go to the premises and find clear evidence of a crime.

About My Online Account

  • What is my PIN?

Upon registration with MyGARD you will receive a Welcome Letter containing a PIN which you can change to a personal PIN when you set up your alarm response instructions. Only when this information is combined with your account number and memorable word will you be able to access your account. This PIN is requested by the operator to cancel a false alarm.

  • I am having problems setting up my MyGARD online account.

Please call MyGARD Customer Services on 0870 904 0222 between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday or e-mail at any time. We will ensure that you receive the highest standard of customer assistance.

  • Does my alarm monitoring operate even if the MyGARD website is inaccessible?

MyGARD monitoring does not use the website for managing alarm activation's, so your alarm is still being monitored regardless of the website status. If you cannot access the website to change your security instructions please contact MyGARD Technical Support on 01296 433 746 or email techsupport@mygard.com

  • I cannot access my security pages because I have been locked out?

After 3 log in attempts with incorrect information, access to your online account will be blocked. To unlock your account please contact MyGARD Technical Support on 01296 433 746 or e-mail customerservices@mygard.com

  • Can I see what is happening over the Internet?

Yes. The MyGARD website provides up to the minute information about your alarm activity, including alarms received, details of people we have contacted and their response to our calls.

  • What if I don't have Internet access or a computer?

You can change your security instructions by calling MyGARD on 01296 433 746 during office hours.

  • What do I do if I am away and want to change my security instructions?

You can change your security instructions on the Internet from anywhere in the world. All you require to do is log-on to www.mygard.com MyGARD and enter your account no. PIN and memorable word.

Activations or False Alarms

  • What happens if there is an alarm activation and does MyGARD check for false alarms?

Upon an alert of any type, the first communication the Protected Property will receive, will be a call from a MyGARD operator to check if it is a false alarm or a suspicious activation. If the telephone is answered and the operator receives the correct PIN within 20 seconds and there is no problem, then the alarm is aborted. If there is no answer to the check phone call, or a person answering the phone does not give a PIN or the PIN is incorrect then your alarm instructions are activated. These instructions may include automatic G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response attendance if registered, or alternatively a registered contact can authorize the patrol attendance.

  • What happens in the event of a panic alarm activation?

The SA5 control panel and key fob have a Panic Alarm button that can be set off in an emergency. Activation of the alarm sets off both internal and external alarms. Separate instructions can be entered into your security folder for Panic Alerts. If the panic alert is activated a monitoring staff member will ring you and at the same time your Panic Alert instructions will be carried out.

  • Is there a limit on the number of alarm activations I am allowed each year?

No, but your annual monitoring subscription allows for up to five activations each year. In the unlikely event of your system using five activations we will ask for a further payment (currently £20) for each additional five activations. We will advise you and send you an invoice if you should only have one activation left. Upon payment of the invoice you will automatically have five further activations available. If the invoice is not paid and you exceed five activations your monitoring service will be suspended until the payment is made.

Technical Support

  • What happens if I have a fault on my telephone line or it is engaged?

Like many security systems this means that the MyGARD monitoring will not operate although the SA5 control panel will make up to five attempts to communicate. All other features of the SA5 such as the internal and external alarms will continue to function.

  • Will I still receive alerts if I have an answerphone?

The MyGARD Monitoring operator will leave a message on an answerphone but will continue with your other emergency alert instructions.

  • What should I do if there is a power cut?

The back up battery will power to your alarm system for up to 10 hours. Your telephone will operate on line power so the monitoring will be unaffected.

  • My panel is not dialing out, what is the problem?

Check that your telephone line is connected by listening for a dialing tone on your telephone. If the line is connected and you are still having a problem please contact MyGARD Technical Support on 01296 433 746 or email techsupport@mygard.com.

  • What happens if my alarm develops a fault and keeps going off?

To avoid you incurring extra activation costs we have a facility to suspend alarms if an unreasonable number of activations occur in a short space of time as this usually indicates a fault. We will advise you if we have to suspend your monitoring because of multiple short term false alarms. You will need to trace the problem through the Response SA5 User Manual.

  • Can I see what is happening using my mobile phone?

Within the near future you will be able to access your security page using a Java 2.5G or 3G phone.


  • Will my credit card transaction be safe?

MyGARD uses WorldPay (owned by the Royal Bank of Scotland) which is a world leader in secure Internet payment transactions. MyGARD will not have access to any of your credit card details when you use WorldPay.

  • Will my data be safe?

MyGARD will ensure that your data is kept safe and secure under the strictest conditions of the Data Protection Act confidentiality. For security purposes it requires three sets of different codes to access any particular client account.

Moving House

  • What if I need to move my alarm system to a different property?

You will need to notify MyGARD about the new Protected Property address, either online or by post, fax or e-mail. You will need to delete your old Contacts as necessary and enter new ones.

Renewing or Cancelling Membership

  • How is monitoring renewed?

We will inform you shortly before your monitoring is due to expire. If you pay by credit card or direct debit we will automatically take the next annual payment unless you cancel your service - you need do nothing. If you pay by cheque then you will need to send us payment in full before your monitoring expires.

  • If I cancel can I have a refund?

Normally no - to keep our costs down we take annual payment in advance. In exceptional circumstances we will consider refunds on a case by case basis if applications are made in writing within ten days of commencement of service and provided no alarms have been processed by our alarm receiving centre.

  • Is there any ongoing commitment or contract period?

Once you have paid for monitoring you have no further obligation, unless you use other MyGARD chargeable services like G4S Security Services (UK) Patrol & Response, in which case you will be charged, or if you exceed the maximum number of alarm activations per year, in which case you will need to pay an extra charge.

Technical Support

  • I have lost the manual to my alarm system, can I have a copy of the manual?

Yes, if you have purchased the alarm system from MyGARD we can e-mail you a copy of the manual. Please e-mail customerservices@mygard.com with your request.



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