New Alarms, New Features, New Benefits
Maybe you have had your response alarm system for many years and now is the time to upgrade to the new 433 SA Range. (Remember mobile phones 10 years ago)?
Response Wireless Alarm systems have been available in the UK for over 15 years. You may have not realised it, but they operate on a Government allocated radio frequency of 418 Mega Hertz (MHz). To bring us into line with the rest of Europe, all new generation systems will now be on the new European frequency of 433 MHz.
Operating on the 418Mhz frequency? How will this affect you?
Like our other customers, your alarm would have given you many years of trouble free service – and will probably continue to do so. However, after 2007, under the new Government regulation, we will not be able to supply you any accessories operating on the old UK frequency of 418 MHz, (but you can continue to use the alarm on this frequency). Should you wish to expand your system after 2007, we can only supply you with accessories or systems operating on the new European frequency. Unfortunately, you cannot mix the systems. Therefore systems on 418 MHz will not work with accessories operating at 433 MHz, and vice versa.
Why upgrade to a new alarm on the European Frequency ?
You may decide that your response alarm has given you good service, but you now wish to move to a new generation range of wireless alarms, which have been improved to enhance your security even more. For example:
- PIR movement detectors are half the size! Smaller, neater and easier to fit.
- PIR battery life has been extended for up to 2 years.
- More zones are available to enable you to arm different areas at different times.
- Remote controls are neater and smaller.
- Solar sirens have the new “prowler deterrent” flashing comfort lights.
- System comes with up to 6 separate access codes for different users.
- You can have systems with a built in telephone dialler to alert or call for help.
- Some systems have Liquid crystal readout display, (naming zones and activity).
- And much, much more…………………………
Did you know?
“2 homes are broken into every 60 seconds”
If you wish to discuss your requirements in more detail, or find out how easy it is to upgrade to a new response wireless alarm system, why not give one of our experts a ring on our customer help line on 0845-373-1353 and we will be only to please to help. Alternatively, you can e-mail us at